Easily Share
  • Files
  • Documents
  • Images
  • Videos
Anytime, Anywhere!

The easiest way to instantly share, store, and access your files! Whether you're a creator, a student, a freelancer or just someone with valuable content, our platform allows you to earn money simply by sharing download links.

Get started

Why Choose Nimbusfiles?

Fast Download Speed
You'll get unlimited high speed download and upload, No data transfer limits!
Big Storage For Free
If qualified, you can request more storage for free
User Friendly
Our intuitive interface makes uploading and sharing a breeze—no tech skills required!
Secure & Reliable
Your files and personal information are protected with top-notch security measures.
Up-to-date Analytics
Monitor your downloads and earnings with our easy-to-use dashboard, helping you optimize your strategy.
Our support team is ready to answer your questions and ensure you have the best experience possible.

How It Works

Upload Your Files

From documents to music, videos, and software, just upload your files to our secure platform.

Create Shareable Links

Once your files are uploaded, generate unique download links in seconds. Share these links on social media, websites, blogs, forums, or with friends and family. Your audience will love the convenience!

Earn Money with Every Download

Every time someone downloads your file using your link, you earn a commission. It’s simple: the more you share, the more you make. Watch your earnings grow as you spread the word!

Join Our Community

Join thousands of users who are already cashing in on their digital content. Whether you’re sharing educational resources, creative works, or anything in between, Nimbusfiles is here to help you profit from your passion.

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100K +
Daily Downloads

Flexible Payment Options to Suit Your Needs

We make your shopping experience easier with a variety of secure and convenient payment methods. Choose the option that works best for you:

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